By: RyoKazama534

1999 is nothing more than a memory, a great memory at that. But at the same time, full of troubled times. The global effects of Kosovo and Chetchnia. The national effects of Monica Lewinsky, Columbine High School and the Salt Lake City conspiracy. Right on down to all the small things that have affected us individually. But for every bad there is at least one good. I will always remember the things I've been through, because 1999 was one hell of a party.

From the couch in my Aunty's house, I watched the ball drop in Times Square. I watched the Eiffel Tower give a stupendous fireworks display. I watched a "quiet" night for Las Vegas and the pyramids in Egypt. All over the world, people forgot about what was bothering them and joined hand in hand to celebrate the passing of another year. 1999 was great, but that's enough of this peaceful stuffs. I'm here to talk about the party!

Honolulu, Hawaii was lucky to be, the last possible (inhabited) place in the world, to enter the year 2000. How did we do it? In Times Square, it was thousands of people, bands and a huge fireworks display. The same thing in Washington, Seattle, Paris and London. Hawaii brought their people to the Aloha Tower. Planned events included Peter Kapono, acrobats, hula and Pamela Young. But who was there? Tourists. Where was Hawaii? Oh you know, blowing sh*t up! From my mountain top view I was able to watch three separate fireworks displays from Waikiki, Kaka'ako and Kahala. Not to mention the entire city had their own "professional" grade of aerials and chinese strings of firecrackers. Two houses away put on an amazing show of explosive aerials and another house across the street had a set of aerials going on for a minute straight. From Aina Haina to Kalihi right to my home of Kaimuki, the city turned into a war zone as explosions were going on for hours. Thick layers of smoke set right over the homes of everybody, nobody was free. So ABC was able to see a small celebration from the Aloha Tower. But everybody knows, the real celebration was at home.