Punahou Underground Network of Soldiers
Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic


The Punahou Underground Network of Soldiers
Home of the Flying Medic
Home of the Flying Medic

About Clan PUNS

This clan was basically an idea brough across by a single student at Punahou Academy. He proposed it to his friends and it seemed like a good idea. Not exactly the largest clan, especially since one of the biggest TFC clans is located in Kaimuki, Hawaii and our clan is centralized in Manoa, Hawaii. The clan has been semi-active for the past month or so and we are still looking around for members to join up. All of the current members are enrolled in the Punahou Academy during the school year. It is fairly easy to organize things, since everybody is relativly close together.

Creative Aspects of PUNS

PUNS is the home of the flying medics. We are capable of making any TFC class fly high in the air, but we think that it's the funniest when you see medics in your face, especially as a sniper. When we held our first clan meeting and recruiting session, we taught 4 players how to fly through the air as a medic in one of our favorite hunted maps, The Pres. Flying medics have also been great target practice for our snipers and this has been incorporated into our practices as well.

The Members of PUNS

Heavy Weapons Guy
TFC Handle Status Three Favorite Classes
Slacker~CLJ~ Founder Engineer
Raptor Co-Founder Sniper
Heavy Weapons Guy
Hawke Co-Founder Soldier
Heavy Weapons Guy
CannonFodder - - - Soldier
Heavy Weapons Guy
SomeWhiteGuy - - - Demolitions Man
Deathstorm - - - Engineer
Jaxx - - -

Basic Rules of PUNS

As most players know, members of clans put their clan sign at the beginning of their handle, puting their clan before all. As much as I believe in clan promotion, I think that the players need to make themselves known before the clan, gain a reputation with the name first. It's like, "Hey! That Jimmy guy is really good! He has the most frags! Wait, he's in a clan too? Cool! Maybe I'll join." It's a little reverse psychology if you know what I mean. So all you have to do is put [PUNS] on the back of your handle. Or the front, I don't really care.

Also, no dissing other clans. I have all the respect in the world for any player unless they're totally stupid like that one player IndianaJones, who got bashed for his sheer stupidity and unfaithfulness by three members of PUNS at the same time.

Coming Soon to this Page
- A custom made spray for the clan
- More practices
- Announcement room
- Posts of the best TFC maps including our practice map, The Pres.

Contact me with your comments, questions, applications etc.