Week of 9.18.2000
Name: Crono
Series: Chrono Trigger
Age: Teenager
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Location: Truce Village, 1000 AD
Occupation: None, teenage boy
Equipment: Japanese Style Swords
Allies: Lucca, Princess Nadia (Marle), Glenn (Frog), Robo, Ayla, Schala, Magus, Melchior, Gaspar, Belthasar, Toma
Enemies: Magus, Lavos, Queen Zeal, Dalton, Ozzie, Azala

Crono is a teenager from the Truce Village. He awakes one morning to visit the Millennial Fair, a celebration that celebrated the millennium and the defeat of the wizard Magus in 600 AD. He goes to the fair to visit his best friend, Lucca. Lucca is a scientist who is always making little inventions with her father. Her recent invention was a teleportation device. While Crono wanders around the fair grounds, he literally runs into a girl by the Leene Bell. She decides to hang around with Crono as he wanders the grounds waiting for Lucca's presentation to begin. Her name is Marle.

When Lucca's invention is finally ready to be tested, Crono volunteers to test it out. Lo and behold, the invention is a success. Marle then decides to try it out. When she does however, the machine reacts with her pendant, it opens up a portal and Marle is thrown inside, leaving her pendant behind. Lucca has no explanation other than the pendant and Crono throws himself blindly into the portal to try to find Marle.

The portal turns out to be a time portal, this one has put Crono back in the year 600, right in the middle of the war with Magus. In search of Marle, he ventures towards the castle, he nearly gets arrested for trespassing, but is saved by Queen Leene. He is called up to her room, and she reveals that she is actually Marle. She is actually Princess Nadia but had been mistaken for the missing Queen Leene. Just then, Marle begins to fade away and disappears completely. Crono, lost in a time that isn't his, wanders about the castle confused. Lucca suddenly appears and explains the situation. Because Nadia is a direct descendant of Queen Leene, something must have happened to the Queen when Nadia was found and taken to as Leene.

The two decided to seek out the Queen and search the old cathedral. Many different monsters are abundant in the cathedral, more than the two can handle. The two are rescued by a frog. Actually, he is a former knight of the kingdom who was transformed into a frog by Magus. His name is Glenn. The three eventually fight their way towards the queen and save her from certain death.

This is only the beginning of a long complicated story. It is one of the best RPGs ever made. If you don't have a Super Nintendo, it will be re-released on the PSX soon complete with new cut scenes. There are many other time periods including prehistoria, the future and the ice age. It is a very deep and involving story, one that I have played constantly and enjoy very much.

If Crono looks like he came out of the Dragon Ball series, then he literally did. The character design for Chrono Trigger was done by Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball. Once again, find this game and play it. You will not regret it. It is over 6 years old, and I still play it. Find it on emulation, on SNES or wait for the PSX version like I'm doing, even though I have it already. It's worth it.