CCC Reviews

The General's Daughter

Reviewed by: RyoKazama534

Talk about the scum of the military. Okay, I thought that the General's Daughter was a really good film with a good line and was really well cast. The originality of this film was top of the line. It was suspensful, involiving and totally twisted!

John Travolta put on a great performance as a military investigator. His job was absolutely phenomenal. I mean, he had the total military protocol personality down along with the sneakiness of a private investigator. Along with other great performances with his many supporting roles. The characters were definitly the high point of this film.

I could do without all of the sex in this film. Even though the main premise of The General's Daughter is the stress she went went under after she was raped at Westpoint Military College, it was still overdone. From the S&M videos, to the handcuffs and whips, to the binding to the ground while cadets raped her in full BDUs. There were also holes in the plot too. When the murderer was recalling how he killed her, he remembers strangling her without gloves. Yet, there was no fingerprints anywhere on her body. This movie had a problem with excess characters too. It included all of the general's staff and how each person played a critical role in the murder of the captain. Telling one military stiff from the other became very difficult because they were so closely related.

The General's Daughter was definitly a good film. But the over use of sex and the confusing similarities between the supporting cast took away a perfect score. Not for the ligth of hearted which explains the R rating. They definitly didn't reveal anything in the previews, that's for sure!

Scores for The General's Daughter

RyoKazama534 -- -- "God this was TWISTED!"
Raptor -- -- "Three and a half? Oh well..."
Hawke -- -- "Wait a second...who the heck is that?"