
These links are all very good. I've used them for my web design so I felt it appropriate to thank them. The others are just really good sites.

Anime Web!

Emiko Genesis

Anime Pics Zone

Web Site Garage


The Free Site!

Tripping Out?


Bravenet Web Services

Anime Rec Centre
This is my first web page. It was very popular up until the point I put most of my html efforts on this page. Visit it if you have the time. The last time I updated it was my Freshman year.

Rielf's Realm
This site is a site of a friend. I helped out a bit. She doesn't have a banner yet, but I hope she'll rememdy that. Great anime site.

Manga Revolution Studio PUFF
Another friend's site. He has a lot of great anime art all done by himself. Great page design and pictures.